sábado, 14 de julio de 2012


“Never discourage anyone…who continually makes progress, no matter how slow.” 

As future teachers we have to know and understand that every single student is different. Students learn, express, feel and learn in different ways that we have to take into account when we are going to teach them.

Many teachers think that an only method will be successful for students, if some of them don’t learn by this method; teachers will consider them as a problem. We have to teach our students based on their feelings, their cultures, and their own experiences.  If teachers know how the group works and how they feel depending on the activities they are developing, teachers will get an advantage to adapt their classes according to the student’s learning styles, and as a result they will have excellent students who learn in an effective way.

Also, the environment that students and the teacher are developing into the class is very important. Teachers should get their student's trust. They should support their different styles in order to catch their attention and to be interested during the class. In this way, the teacher will be able to develop a class without any problem. And students will feel more comfortable with the topic they are attending to. In conclusion,  they will learn in a meaningful way.

On the other hand, students should be prepared to solve problems in the social life.  So, teachers also will focus on that and act as helpers, when they need to defend their beliefs with fundaments. As not being only teachers, but also being friends that can be open to questions for them. As facilitators, when they see that a change will be different if they start by themselves. In conclusion, teachers should prepare their students in order to have a better world for them.

In conclusion, we as educators must know that the intellectual process is important, but we are treating human beings and we should prepare them to develop in the social life, as people who will produce something new and useful in the future, as people who can solve problems without feeling frustrated, and as people that despite of having just problems, they will find the way to have a balance in their lives. Starting by giving them the opportunity to develop according their ways of learning in the class.

Here you can learn more about the learning styles:
